Two important things that everyone looks for in hiking bags are comfort and functionality. Comfort is required because hiking backpacks are usually carried on for long traveling tours. Functionality is, of course, important because it holds a number of belongings and if its quality is not guaranteed or it does not function well then, the whole trip is at risk of getting ruined.
Vbiger hiking bags have both these features covered pretty well. With padded shoulder straps and lots of pockets, you can carry everything you need, and you will be all set for a long day of hiking.
These backpacks offer you great flexibility because you can make adjustments to the fitting and length as per your own needs. Vbiger is a trusted brand for making traveling accessories, and this review below is on one of its hiking backpacks.
The main features of this Vbiger Hiking Backpack are as follows:
- The material used for the construction of this bag is basically nylon fabric. Nylon is a good quality fabric that is durable and therefore gives a long-lasting performance.
- It has lightweight which means it doesn’t add much to the overall weight of the backpack.
- Another interesting and useful feature of this material is that it has been kept water-resistant. Being water-resistant makes it really easy for the hiker to travel even on rainy days or walk through water bodies without having to worry about his/her belongings.

- An ergonomic air diversion system ensures that the airflow is maintained and it doesn’t get stuck while the person travels for long hours. If the air does get stuck, then it would typically lead to sweating and irritation for the user.
- Breathable mesh on the back again directs the airflow and at the same time works to reduce pressure on the back.
- The Vbiger backpack is spacious and can be used to put a lot of personal stuff. Space is said to be more than what other brands are offering in their similar backpacks. Space is perfect to put clothes, towels, some books, and other surviving supplies that you may need.
- Many pockets have been added to the sides and front so that users can put things that he/she might require for immediate needs like water bottles or umbrellas.
- There are many straps attached to the bag to ensure that all your belongings stay firm in their places.
- The numerous pockets that are situated on the sides are also secured with straps to make sure that whatever is placed inside isn’t at the risk of falling out.
- The shoulder straps are padded so that even during long hiking trips the user doesn’t feel the strain on his/her shoulders. The straps are further adjustable so that users of different heights can easily adjust the length according to their needs.
The Vbiger hiking bag is really secure. All those who used it had no complaint about their belongings falling out which in reality is a common issue for hiking backpacks. All pockets and the bag itself are tightly secured with straps.
There is also an additional waist strap that gives, even more, support to the user and balances the pressure rather than just putting it on one area.
It is available in several colors. Users can choose any color based on their personal preferences. Some of the most commonly bought colors are green, red, blue, and black.
The Vbiger Hiking Backpack is both reliable and durable.
The quality is excellent, so there is no risk of the backpack tearing apart due to overload. People who had been using it for months had no such complaints and said that even after using it ruthlessly, the backpack was still intact.
The functionality is great and up to the mark. There is a lot of space, and every traveler can put his/her all travel belongings in this one hiking backpack. They will not have to carry any extra bags.
The shoulder straps despite being padded were causing itching in the neck after a short while.
Few users had complaints that the shoulder straps were not of good quality and broke in between the journey.
Overall, about 78 percent of the users gave a full 5-star review for the Vbiger Hiking Backpack, and most of them were fully satisfied. Only a few had some issues, other than that it is a good product for its price.
Hi Sonia,
This is great a lot of valuable information here about the Vbiger hiking backpack. I thought I had this hiking thing all figured out. My wife and I plan on going on our first hiking trip next month.
I’m so glad to have seen your review about the Vbiger backpack before we did, though. I now have to reevaluate some things, such as do I have the right bag for my hiking excursion? Thanks for the amazing review.
I am glad that you found value in my review. Hope that you get everything sorted out for your hiking adventure with your wife. If you need help with the planning or more advice on which hiking backpack you should get, don’t hesitate to drop a line below. Thanks,